Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Business Coach

YES it's true I got myself a business coach. I am a big believer to get to your goals faster find someone who has done it, do what they do and you'll get what they have.
One of my favorite people in my business is Simon Chan not because of all the success he has had (even though he DOMINATES) but because he is a man of God and put's his relationship with the Lord first and in doing that I believe that is why he has had the success he has had from being a 3 Star Diamond Director, the president award winner and million dollar club member along with a list of other awards!!!
There will be some big changes for the better but more importantly better results! No one remembers what you did they look at what you are doing NOW! I can't live on past results but breaking my own records every week, that in my eyes is BETTERING MY BEST!
Since my first week of coaching with him I already had my BEST income week which was amazing!
If you can pray for me that I use this time to learn from him and really figure out how I can make things happen not only for me but the people I work with I would love that.
I want to encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and just GO GO GO!!!! This is our time to get to our dreams!

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Before Pics! Chubby boy

Do you ever feel like you work out but you're not getting the results you wanted?  Well I felt the SAME way!
A big factor for me was my eating habits and lack of sleep.
Eating junk food or fatty foods will not get you that body you me.
I LOVE sweets and desserts but am now challenging myself to eat cleaner, prep my meals, have a schedule and just go for it!
For my new 90 day goal that started April 8th a lot of my focus is going to be fitness, eating right and getting 8 hours of sleep! (I use to sleep 5 hours a day)
This is an ENTIRE lifestyle change but when you market and promote for a health science company you have to look the part.
I am VERY excited and am actually stoked that I am putting myself out there as it will add even MORE motivation for myself!
Can't wait to post some update pics every 30 day.
I got checked out my Ricca Garnder to get my body fat and measurements.


My measurments

My Measurments

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Boog Shorey

My friend Josh McGowan shot this to me! Love getting in the water

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

QTR 2 90 day Challenge

90 Day Challenge QTR1 Recap VLOG

Sunday, April 7, 2013

New Workout Challenge

I just finished planning my workouts, putting them in my calendar, prepping my meals, getting the right people to keep me accountable and most importantly the reason WHY I am doing it. I'll post a pic on my next blog of a BEFORE shot. (Won't be pretty haha)

P90x and Insanity together.
New Shoes!!

Eating Cleaner. Greek Yogurt instead of sour cream. Cool idea!

KJ 26

My best friend Kevin just turned 26. It feels like just yesterday when we we're making Embrace shirts, selling them and just dreaming of living the life we have always wanted. The journey continues. Will get there!


This young man is going to help a ton of people his age with their health and wealth. I'm training him. Only 18. Watch out for him. Darnell Martin.
Fighting spirit with a VISION



Just saw the CEO of KREED sunglasses post this on my FB wall! So rad!


Finished HYBRID workout

Just finished the HYBRID workout which is P90x and Insanity combined. Some days are P90x and some are Insanity. I really enjoyed it and it was TUFF for me.
I found out a ton about myself and how I can be LAZY with my workouts especially if it doesn't involve the beach haha This challenge gave me the CONSISTENCY I was looking for though which was perfect going into my next 90 day challenge I will be giving myself.
I don't eat the best or cleanest most of the time and that is probably why I didn't get the results I wanted. I also don't sleep that much which doesn't help either.
I think it's so awesome that I have a good amount of friends that are SO into health and have the bodies to prove it. What I liked is that when I reached out to them on advice they got me on a good meal regime, suggestions on what to eat etc...
With that being said a NEW challenge is coming up so check back soon!!
I'll even put a BEFORE picture up! Time to put myself on blast!
What's some of YOUR goals for this month and the next three months? Comment below!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

This secret will help with your productivity

Simon Chan giving me a little shout out!
Get a timer. Be your own coach and kick butt!
Better YOUR Best!

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52 to read in a year!?

No I'm not the one doing it but my friend Terence is! He shot me a text and the fact that he is going after that goal inspired me! Whatever amount of book goal that you have just GO FOR IT! I love what Jim Rohn says; "The book you don't read won't help"
So get your read on!!

This quote pretty much sums up a big reason WHY I try to work so hard and impact people lives and get them to there goals!


Water Movement

Trippy water movement! Photo taken by Josh McGowan

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Learning from SK

Saturday mornings I spend by learning from my mentor Soomin Kim. He was proud of my income goal I hit and let me drive his Lexus ISF just to let me dream a bit bigger!
Whatever it is you are looking to accomplish or become GREAT at find someone who has already done it. Study how they got there, ask for advice and work your butt off to have your own success! 2013 first quarter is already DONE! Let's do this!

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Good Friday

Spent good Friday watching an online church service, going to the movies with UCLA football player Ben Wysocki and of course getting some waves!


Won Josh McGowan contest last week and got a custom healthpak! So stoked!!