Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Who's The Katchka In YOUR Life?

Do you have a friend that can get you to drop everything even if you are super busy? The one that can get me to do this is my friend JoeKatchka!

I always thought the people that tried to distract me were not as driven or focused, but how wrong I was!  Joe has taught me that you have to work hard, but always make time to have fun!  I am very goal oriented and focused on my goals.  However, if you are not enjoying the ride, then was it all worth it?

Joe knew the waves were gonna be fun this day, he knew I was itching to get some fun waves, and we linked up on some really fun waves this day.  It was sunny, no one really out and waves to ourselves.  It wasn’t the biggest but really fun!

If you have a friend like Joe in your life, shoot them a THANK YOU text because they are the ones that keep your life exciting and keep that smile on your face!  Even better, the challenge of the week is to think of something out of the ordinary, call those special friends and invite them to it!!! Leave a comment when you think of something fun!

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