Thursday, November 20, 2008


The waves have been pretty small where I live but since I wanted to stay active I got to do an intense workout with some friends who are really into Jiu Jitsu they pretty much owned me and I got my butt kicked haha, I also got to go on a good bike ride and then did some Yoga.

Later on I met up with Joey Buran at Claim Jumper for some lunch and it was so rad. He is full of advice and knowledge which he is always willing to share. Anytime I get to hang out with people I look up to or are successful, I try and take notes on little things they say that can be really effective. I learned this in a book I read by Robin Sharma ( called; "The Greatness Guide" Joey helped me map out my 2009 campaign which I am really looking forward to along with my sponsors!

Milo is working on my website to get everything working and soon you will be able to sign up for my newsletter and a video newsletter which will be sent out once a month on everything that went down that month. It should be pretty funny.

Russel and I got to meet up too. I got a box of Pizza from Deli News (really really good PIZZA) in Long Beach and they hooked it up with some free cookies to say congrats on everything I have been up to which was really nice of them. Russ has alot of plans, ideas, and everything for 2009 which should be really awesome! So stay tuned


Joey Buran and I (


I even got to see Cassia after lunch with Joey! Sooo cool


Milo being Milo


I will have a Q and A in the middle of December with Milo so check back to read that!


Russel Hornbeek always always staying busy!! (


Blogger Emmyshell said...

Cassia is the cutest baby in the world!

November 20, 2008 at 9:31 PM  

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