Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Do All You Can While You Have The Time

Photographer Jeremy Philips capturing a photo of me at a waves that wakes up this time of year
People would always say, “Time flies,” but this year has been going mach speed!  Can you believe that 2013 is already MORE than half way over?

Tracking on my reading goals

I have constantly been watching Art Williams’ video Just do it because one thing that I have learned is that it is MUCH easier to think about what you want to accomplish than to actually do it.  I want to take more action on my goals and dreams and not just “think” about them.  If you are thinking, “Yes, so do I,” then watch that video daily until you can repeat word for word what Art is saying since he is just speaking truth.  If you even want to take it to the next level to hit your goals, then write on a 3x5 card, “JUST DO IT. TAKE ACTION,” and have that for your quarter 3 goal.  I am mostly focused on applying this theme into my business since that is my main focus right now.

Filming when I can for a new video for my sponsor BZ Frame by Vanessa Mota

I am 26 years old; if there is one thing I know it is that I am not getting any younger (haha).  On a serious note, I know that I am not nearly reaching my potential or what I am capable of which drives me to be the best I can be.  This is something that many people can relate to, especailly if you are cahllenging yourself to jsut be better in EVERY area of your life.  The fact that July is here is just crazy!  Each day I want to know I gave 100% and gave my best because no one knows when their last breathe will be, so making the most of each day is crucial.

Fitness has been a big theme all year. Getting healthier each day
If you are someone that KNOWS that you can be doing more or that KNOWS they want better health, better finances or just want to be challenged, then make sure to contact me.  Remember, as quoted in the video, to ask yourself, “What am I doing today to get me ahead for tomorrow?”
Better Your Best!

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