Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A morning in my life by Wisdom Morm and Activate Drinks!

My friend Wisdom Morm is going to school for film and wanted to spend a morning in the life with me. He is such a talented videographer and photographer and has a cool blog you can check out. One thing that Wisdom does that I think is awesome is that he uses his gifts and shares it with people. I mean share his gifts by investing time into friends and people. He is currently helping four people with photography and is doing it because he is just awesome! He stayed at my house the night before and realized that 5:30 comes earlier than you would think. He has never been to the beach as earlier as I usually go and can't even swim. I really want to do what he does and invest more of my time to not only him and getting him out in the water but other people also who would never have the chance to bodyboard and enjoy the ocean like I do every day. It was Wisdom's first time filming bodyboarding so I am pumped to see how it comes out because it's not the easiest sport to film. Wisdom is very busy so I am not sure when the video will be up but what I do know is that all my blogger and twitter followers will be the FIRST to know! He sent me a few frame grabs to share.

Wisdom came up with some pretty funny questions for the interview

Nathan Fletcher siking on an air I did, so STOKED!


The big new sponsor that I have been waiting to tell you guys about is finally OFFICIAL and it is ACTIVATE DRINKS! I will be writing more about this in the future on a few things that we have planned out and what I will be doing with them. The official press release will be out at the end of the month.

LOVE these drinks! photo by Kucera Photography


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