Saturday, January 9, 2010

How the wisdom teeth surgery went, Yoga, Spider Energy Drink, and New phone

I actually don't remember anything from my wisdom teeth surgery at all. When I woke up in the little bed area they walked me to my mom's car. I slept while my mom drove. When we got to our house I was super out of it from all the drugs and just remember walking to my room and collapsing while hitting my head on the wall and was out, just like that! haha My little mexican mom and couldn't move me for the life of her. She called the Doctors and while she was calling them my good friends Jacob, Micah and Matt just happened to stop by my house to say what's up. (A lot of my friends stop by my house daily to hang out, watch bodyboard videos, do HW, eat, etc...) They were busting up laughing and finally picked me up, got me in my bed and four hours later I finally woke up. The crazy thing was that I don't remember a thing. I didn't even knew my friends came by until my mom told me.
The road to recovery has felt like forever but its only been six days. I have been doing a lot of resting and a lot of HW. My diet is pretty much apple sauce, cream of wheat, mashed potatoes, protein drinks, soups etc... Easy foods. I have lost weight which is not good. I usually eat 5-8 meals a day, YES I eat a lot haha
To stay in shape I haven't been able to train really hard yet so I started to go on hour walks, signed up for a Yoga class which I spend atleast 3 hours a day at, and as of today doing light workouts. Im trying to take it easy, rest a lot and just keep these huge holes in my mouth CLEAN and not get infected!
I met with the Doctor yesterday and he said that I would be out of the water for at least another week. Since the waves will be good I have another meeting on tuesday to see if I can get in the water earlier but is very doubtful. The doctors son is a surfer so he knows how dirty the water is by where we live and it is pretty much a guaranteed staph infection ready to happen if I try and rush it. This time last year while I was in Hawaii my best friend Brian got staph from our local spot and it Sucked for him. So I am not in any rush to get sick and possibly ruin or not be able to go on my Hawaii trip which is for over a month.
I will be watching the loads bodyboard videos to stay siked, training as much as I can, and getting ahead in all my school work.
It's not my board but it will do for now haha Yoga class everyday!

My best friend Kevin Jenkins has a silk screen business and makes shirts. He just made the new Spider Energy tees and they came out super sick. If you need any shirts made contact him at He also picked me up some more cases from them!! Be sure to check out SPIDERS new website it's sick!
Insane support from them!
This guy mows my neighbors lawn and was siking on Spider!
These guys do great work but my dad has me do our lawn haha

I got a new phone before my surgery. The new droid from Motoralla. I think it does everything you can imagine and was awesome. I just didnt like certain things about it so today I returned it and got the other droid phone. It's lighter and I like it way more! The guy who helped us out was also a bodyboarder who went to my same High School as I did which was pretty cool. My sponsor Bodyglove makes a case for the phone I have to!
I am going to be uploading videos to my Youtube from it along with doing Twitter updates with pictures and videos!! So be sure to follow and subscribe to both!
The Motorola droid
My new phone! Love it


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